
Chesney Hawkes

Image from Buddy’s Song (1991) Noir Grading by Jack W Gregory. From VHS transfer to Digital upgrade. 2023

I first met Jack when he interviewed me for his podcast ‘Live and Undrugged’ Series 3 in 2023. I would recommend his work as a Journalist / podcaster and editor/colour very entertaining and honest podcast.

I was given access to his professional Journalistic work and I found it to be very insightful and engaging.

On another occasion Jack worked on a digital transfer and professional Noir (Black and White) grading of the 1991 film, ‘Buddy’s Song’. He has a strong work ethic and always goes beyond the call of duty. I would recommend his work as a Journalist / podcaster and editor/colour grader to anyone.

Chesney Hawkes – Musician and Tv Personality

The criteria for appearing on my ‘Frankly Speaking With Frank Portinari’ Podcast was simple. I wanted to speak to ‘Real And Inspiring’ people. People that spoke sincerely and openly about their personal experiences. Experiences that could educate and inspire others. Jack proved to be the ideal guest. Publicly revealing so many demons from his past was no easy thing to do. At times his emotions were as strained as they could get. I considered ending the conversation. Not for me, but for him. I then discovered the new Jack. The Jack who had fought his way back from a personal life of hell. A graceful man quick to acknowledge those who had assisted his new beginning. A man actively prepared to help others. Jack is ‘Real And Inspiring’.

Frank Portinari.

Andrew Morris

Photo Smashipp.org

“I went on a bizarre journey of addiction and eventually long term incarceration. I served more than 12 years on an indefinite sentence and one of the earliest people that I encountered on this side of the prison walls was The Accidental journalist aka Jack Gregory.

Jack is an incredible human being and I really enjoyed being interviewed because it did not feel like an interview at all. It was 2 men having a conversation, finding identification in each others experiences and stories. Some time after our conversation, I still get people coming up to me or sending messages to say that they have listened intently to our conversation and learned something about themselves in the process, which is a testament to The Accidental Journalist who has been a huge support in my determination to campaign for changes in our criminal justice system”.

Andrew MorrisIPP and Prison Reform campaigner

Julie Major – Justice Campaigner

Jack was the first person to give me a platform to talk about Mark Osborne’s case and the first person to give Mark a voice. It was my first ever podcast and Jack immediately made me feel at ease.

He asked the right questions, gave me the opportunity to answer fully and actually seemed to care about Mark and his case. He was kind and professional but also showed empathy for the awful situation Mark was in. He genuinely wants to help misscarriages of justice and has been a staunch and loyal supporter of our campaign. I cannot thank him enough!

Julie Major – Mark Osborne is Innocent Project

When you have a podcast about the people in our communities around the world who have great stories to tell, Jack is the kind of guest you hope for. You get excited about and just want to hear more. ( hence a two part series with him) His story is one we read about in fiction or watch on TV, but it’s not fiction, it’s his real life story! Incredible.

He interviews well and also can go with the flow of the interview. I read his book Between the Streetlights and Redlights, it’s a heartbreaking read but a must read. Thank you Jack for speaking up and speaking out. I am thrilled that you show there IS hope in the world.

Kimberly Wardell – Croley

Jack Gregory has an incredible story, and he tells it in an incredible way. His message is one I believe everyone needs to hear! Pleasant and powerful, I look forward to having him on as a guest in the future!

Katelyn Curran – Podcaster – Healing Echoes

A Happy Head Podcast – Paul Wilson

I had the pleasure of chatting with Jack Gregory on my podcast back in 2021.

He has a calm clear voice which delivers his message with passion.

He doesn’t rush so his conversation isn’t littered with “ums” and “ahs”

He was ontime and kept to the subject in hand – he didn’t wander off track.

He has an incredible story to share, well worth inviting Jack to guest on your show.

Eleanor Wagner

Jack W. Gregory was an insightful guest, who really opened up about his difficult history and his stunning near-death experience, and how it affected his life moving forward.

Eleanor Wagner – Paranormal Uk